Our mission at Creating Writers is to make you the best writer you can be and, we hope, help to make your writing dream come true.

That’s why, in association with the Creative Design School, we’ve created a Diploma course to help anyone who is serious about improving their writing skills.

It’s intensive, fun, with a real qualification at the end of it.
But we’re also here to help if you’ve written a book and need help assessing or editing it. Or even if you’re having trouble finishing it.
We’re a full-service resource for aspiring writers, run by an established author.

Our role is to be with you at every step on your writing journey.


At Creating Writers, our Diploma course is built around each student. We don’t offer a one-size-fits-all approach. Our course is interactive with one-to-one tuition. We’ll hone your strong points and help you with your weaker ones.

You can learn at your own pace, and you will have your own one-to-one Training Coach who can help at any time at the click of the mouse

Our mission at Creating Writers is for you to succeed, and we’ll be on hand at every step of the way.


More showing and telling

More showing and telling

Charlie Laidlaw is an author and tutor at Creating Writers In my last post I wrote about “show” and “tell.” Books need both to make narrative sparkle.  That requires balance and clear purpose to your writing.  So let’s look at that balance in a little more detail....

Show and tell

Show and tell

Charlie Laidlaw is an author and tutor at Creating Writers A novel is a work of dramatic art, just like a play, film or TV drama.  To convey mood or tension, a film has dialogue, gesture and music. But a novel has to conjure mood and tension from words alone.  It’s in...

Dialogue tags and other stuff

Dialogue tags and other stuff

Charlie Laidlaw is an author and tutor at Creating Writers In previous posts, I’ve looked at different aspects of writing dialogue. It’s an important part of the writer’s skillset, because dialogue develops both plot and character. If your dialogue doesn’t sound...

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